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JAX Frontend Platform

Expectations & Benefits of Membership

A vibrant and engaged membership drives the success of the JAXCC.

Our members benefit from participation in planning and attending Cancer Center sponsored retreats and seminars and assurance of access to the Shared Resources. Within our Center’s membership, Program Members are defined by reporting requirements of NCI’s Cancer Center Support Grant.Program members are eligible for JAXCC pilot project and new investigator funds (as applicable), while general members may apply for JAXCC pilot project funds in collaboration with Program members.

Membership responsibilities

  • Participate in Cancer Center program meetings and interest groups
  • Engage in collaborative cancer research with internal and external colleagues
  • Participate in JAXCC educational programs and activities

In addition, Program Members are expected to:

  • Serve as scientific reviewers for JAXCC pilot project applications as requested
  • Acknowledge JAXCC affiliation and NCI CCSG (P30CA034196) in publications, presentations, and posters as appropriate.

©2025 The Jackson Laboratory