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Citing the CCSG

Guidelines for citing the Cancer Center Support Grant (P30 CA034196) in publications

Cancer Center Members should cite the Cancer Center Support Grant (CCSG) in publications that are both:

  • Cancer relevant based on the criteria belowAND
  • Supported by CCSG funding in one or more of the following ways:

    • Data were generated from a CCSG-supported Shared Service*#_ftn1
    • Work was supported by CCSG Pilot/Developmental funds.
    • Concept was developed through interactions at a CCSG sponsored event e.g. Annual Retreats, workshops or through travel support for scientific conferences.

Cancer Relevance Criteria: Publications meeting at least one of the criteria below are considered cancer relevant.

  • Publication directly addresses a cancer related problem, e.g. cancer term in title/abstract; cancer cell lines/data used in the study etc., OR
  • Publication provides knowledge/resources/technologies that contributes to cancer research in one or more of the following ways:
  • Describes molecular and/or cellular mechanisms for which there is evidence of a role in cancer development, progression, or metastasis. E.g. genomic instability, cell division, DNA repair, recombination, cancer gene function, epigenetics, stem cell biology, circadian rhythm etc.
  • Describes basic biological systems/processes relevant to cancer development and/or treatment response e.g. immunology, aging, germline genetics, microbiome-host interactions, sarcopenia/cachexia etc.
  • Describes diseases and behaviors that are associated with the risk of developing cancer (e.g. obesity, diabetes, substance abuse), and/or share mechanistic pathways with cancer (e.g. Alzheimer’s disease).
  • Describes diseases/conditions that are associated with the risk of adverse events due to cancer treatment. e.g. Type 1 diabetes, myocarditis, colitis, peripheral neuropathy, hearing loss, infertility etc.
  • Describes new methods, computational tools, quantitative approaches, and/or research resources (e.g. models, databases) that are relevant to basic and/or translational cancer research.

*Genome and Single Cell Technologies, Computational Sciences, Cancer Model Development Resource (GEMMS & PDX R&D Core), Genetic Engineering Technologies, Flow Cytometry, Microscopy, Mass Spectrometry & Protein Chemistry

All publications, press releases, or other documents that cite results from CCSG-supported research must include acknowledgment of the grant and maintain compliance with NIH Public Access Policy.  All manuscripts accepted for publication must be submitted to PubMed Central and be assigned a PMCID.

Recommended Language: This research was funded in part through the NIH/NCI Cancer Center Support Grant P30 CA034196. Or, if the publication resulted from the use of one or more Shared Resources: This research was supported by the [insert name] Shared Resource of the JAX Cancer Center (P30 CA034196).

If you have not already, please register for an ORCID iD. ORCID is being used globally, and can often be used when applying for grants or submitting publications. It takes only a minute to register here (please insert external link: https://orcid.org/register). Once you have registered for your ORCID iD please send it to [email protected]. For those of you who have already registered, please share your iD with us. Thank you!

CCSG MUG OWNERS: Proper care for your CCSG mug will help it (and the handy grant number on it) live a long and useful life. Please do not run it through the dishwasher!

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