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2021 Presentations

2021 - Talks/Posters


1. Vivek Philip/Hao He/AALAS/National Meeting Abstract. Title: The Genetic Diversity of Diversity Outbred Mice - Jan 2021

2. Vivek Philip/Hao He, NIDA 2021 Meeting Abstract. Title: Genetic correlations and quantitative trait locus mapping reveals shared and unique mechanisms underlying addiction predisposing novelty response traits - Feb 2021.

4. Brian White, Workshop on exRNA Data Analysis. Title: CIBERSORTx and the Tumor Deconvolution DREAM Challenge - July 2021

5. Yi Li, Joshy George, Krishna Karuturi, ISMB/ECCS. Title: Adaptive sentinel testing in workplace for COVID19 pandemic - July 2021

6. Matt Gerring, NODES. Title: Building a Graph to Map Variants to Genes Using Neo4j 4 and Bulk Import - July 2021

7. Brian White, AACR Annual Meeting. Title: CTD2 DREAM Challenge: Using pharmacogenomics data to develop predictions for treatment response in AML Patients - July 2021

8. Krishna Karuturi, ISMB21. Title: Embracing Advances in ML & Imaging for Biomedical Research - July 2021

9. Krishna Karuturi, ISMB21. Title: False Discovery Rate Estimation in Multiple Hypotheses Testing on Heterogeneous Discrete Distributions in Omics Analysis - talk and poster - July 2021

10. Gregg TeHennepe, ISMB21. Title: Accelerating the Velocity of Team Data Science with Research Project Management - July 2021

11. Matt Gerring, NODES 2021. Title: Building a Graph to Map Variants to Genes Using Neo4j 4 and Bulk Import - July 2021

12. Krishna Karuturi, Data & Analytics Live. Title: How to Fast-Track your Data and Analytics Initiatives Despite the Pandemic? - July 2021

13. Krishna Karuturi, CDAO. Title: What's next in Data Integration? Modernizing Your Approach to enable Decision Agility Across the Enterprise - Oct 2021


1. Baha El Kassaby, Francisco Castellanos, Govind Ramamoorthy, ACM-BCB. Title: MVAR: A mouse variation registry - July 2021

2. Joshy George, ISMB21. Title: Deep learning of lung lesions detection and quantification from chest computed tomography images uncover clinical relevance for COVID-19 - talk and poster - July 2021.

3. Krishna Karuturi, Yi Li, Joshy George, ISMB/ECCB. Title: Adaptive sentinel testing in workplace for COVID-19 pandemic - July 2021

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