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JAX Frontend Platform

2023 Presentations



1. Yurieva, M - Visualizing position-dependent effects of RNA binding proteins on alternatively spliced events

2. Yu, Miao - End to End Interpretable Deep Learning Workflow for Untargeted Metabolomics

3. Somarakis, A - Exploring the Molecular Profile and Cellular Diversity of Endometriosis using Spatial Transcriptomics - Keystone, CO

4. Grubb, S - Diversity in a Dish: Pluripotent Stem Cells in Genetic Analysis and Modeling - Bar Harbor, ME

5. Mawe, S - Opening the Black Box - Lewiston, ME

6. Zuo, W - Spatial Transcriptomics to Reveal Novel Immune and Stomal Cell Infiltration in the Lung Metastatic Niche - Keystone, CO


1. Chaussabel, D - Title - High-temporal resolution omics profiling applied to measuring mRNA vaccine responses - Yale, New Haven

2. George, J - Title - Is Machine Learning necessary to solve problems in biology - Boston, MA - ODSC

3. Widmayer, S - Title - Haplotype reconstruction using low-pass whole-genome sequencing in genetically diverse mouse populations - Memphis, TN

4. Chaussabel, D - Title - Systems Immunology in Aging and Complex Diseases - Farmington, CT

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