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Grant applications proposing work that will be performed by Flow Cytometry Service or with Flow Cytometry Service’s assistance do not require letters of support unless the methods that will be used are not included in Flow Cytometry’s service description in the JAX Facilities and Other Resources master document (see description below). For methods that are unusual or particularly challenging in the flow cytometry field, or that were recently published, please discuss with theFlow Cytometry Service Associate Director whether a letter of support would be appropriate.
The Flow Cytometry Service has extensive experience and expertise in all aspects of flow cytometry and offers state-of-the-art instrumentation. The Flow Cytometry Service provides sterile sorts of specific cell populations forin vivo and in vitro studies. The Service offers training on all instrumentation and consultation for antibody panel and experimental design. Some equipment is located in BSL-2-compliant laboratories. In addition, an extensive inventory of titrated monoclonal antibodies is maintained at the Bar Harbor, ME, campus to aid users in designing and building high-parameter antibody panels.
(sample language for acknowledgements)
If you have used any of JAX’s Scientific Services, please acknowledge the Service(s) used in all manuscripts, publications, grant applications, press releases, and presentations. Example language for the use of Flow Cytometry is below:
“We gratefully acknowledge the contribution of [optional: name of person] and the Flow Cytometry Service at The Jackson Laboratory for expert assistance with the work described in this publication.”