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Posters and Talks



1. Gerring, M.- Title - Present image tools work and MPD meta-analysis informally to a small group - Cambridge, MA

2. Zhao, Y. - Title - Exploring the Spatial Proteome of Senescent Cells through CODEX Muliplexed Tissue Imaging - Portland, ME

3. Zhao, Y. - Title - Single cell transcriptome to reveal gene expression senescence signatures - Portland, ME

4. Alizadeh, E. - Title - A framework for quantitative prediction of senescent cells from nuclear morphology, Portland, ME

5. Domanskyi, S. - Title - Nextflow Pipeline for Visium and H&E Data from Patient-Derived Xenograft, Portland, ME

6. Mawe, S. - Title - Parallelization of computer vision over large corpora of gigapixel biomedical images, Boston, MA

7. Saul, M. - Title - Will lead a workshop on data analysis and visualization for in vivo data, Redwood City, CA

8. Gerring, M. - Title - Imaging workflows using temporal to cure cancer, Bellevue, WA

9. Mahoney, M. - Title - Simple nonlinear dynamics of macrophage-fibroblast interactions explain the scleroderma subsets, Fairlee, VT

10. Mahoney, M. - Title - Meta-analysis of hundreds of seizure-related traits reveals putative modifiers of epilepsy resilience and susceptibility, Milwaukee, WI.

11. Alizadeh, E. - Title - A framework for quantitative prediction of senescent cells from nuclear morphology, Bar Harbor, ME

12. Zhao, Y - Title - Mouse Kidney Single cell analysis with an efficient NEgative Binomial mixed model Using a Large-sample Approximation, Bar Harbor, ME


1. Zhao, Y. - Causal network perturbation analysis identifies known and novel type-2 diabetes driver genes - Miami, FL

2. Domanskyi, S. - Boosting the map of cell types and cell states in human pancreatic tissue with spatial and single cell transcriptomics - Bethesda, MD

3. Gatti, D. - Teaching the Spatial Transcriptomics Workshop - Farmington, CT

4. Yu, M. - Open source and scalable spatial reactomics workflow for high resolution mass spectrometry imaging - Garden Grove, CA

5. Paisie, C. - Phasing of RNA isoforms reveals haplotype-specific expression - Denver, CO

6. Zuo, Wulin - Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Reveals Age-Related Changes in Immune Cell Populations in Lung Metastasis of Breast Cancer - Guangzhou, CH

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