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Monitored Agents List

We monitor for the same agents in all of our Production, Repository, Breeding Services, Research and Preclinical Services (in vivo) barriers. However, exclusion policies and policies related to shipping and notification of customers differ depending on the facility's health status and barrier level as noted below.

Organisms excluded from all Jackson Laboratory animal rooms are listed in Table 1.

Table 1. Excluded (ES) Organisms:

If an excluded organism is detected in a room, all shipping is stopped from the affected area and all JAX customers are notified of the finding. See below for more details.

Organisms Excluded (ES)1 From All JAX Animal Rooms
Viruses Bacteria, Mycoplasma & Fungi Parasites & Protozoa
Ectromelia virus (agent causing mouse pox) Bordetella spp. Encephalitozoon cuniculi
GDVII (Theiler's mouse encephalomyelitis) virus Filobacterium rodentium (CAR bacillus) Fleas, fur mites, lice
Hantaan virus (hantavirus) Citrobacter rodentium (Citrobacter freundii 4280) Follicle mites
K virus Clostridium piliforme Pinworms
Lactic dehydrogenase elevating virus (LDEV) Corynebacterium kutscheri Roundworms & other helminths
Lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCMV) Corynebacterium bovis Tapeworms
Mouse adenovirus (MAV) Mycoplasma pulmonis
Mouse cytomegalovirus (MCMV) Salmonella spp.
Mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) Streptobacillus monoliformis
Mouse minute virus (MMV)
Mouse parvovirus (MPV)
Mouse thymic virus (MTV)
Murine chapparvovirus (MuCPV)
Pneumonia virus of mice (PVM)
Polyoma virus
Reovirus 3 (REO 3)
Rotavirus (Epizootic diarrhea of infant mice [EDIM])
Sendai virus

Table 2 lists the organisms that may be Excluded (ES), Non-tolerated (N) or Tolerated (T) in an animal room, depending upon the room's health status, or in the case of the JAX Research Animal Facility, upon the barrier level of the room.

N (Non-tolerated) = these organisms are excluded from the room; if a non-tolerated organism is detected, efforts will be made to eliminate it from the room, and a notification of the finding will be posted on the JAX website. The finding will be noted on the health report for the room, but shipping from the room will not be stopped.

Click on the Notification of Outbreaks and Shipping Policy link below Table 2 for a more detailed description.

T (Tolerated) = these organisms are tolerated in the rooms; if detected, the finding will be noted on the health report, but no efforts will be made to eliminate it, shipping will not be stopped, and customers will not be notified.

Any concern about agents we monitor but do not stop shipments, should be communicated to us in advance or at the time orders are placed.

Table 2. Organisms excluded or tolerated depending upon the Health Status or Barrier Level of the room

JAX® Mice, Breeding Services, Repository,
Preclinical Services Health Status
JAX Research Animal Facility
(RAF) Barrier Level
Organism Pathogen & Opportunistic-Free Pathogen-Free Elevated Barrier Intermediate Barrier Low Barrier
Dermatophytes N N Not Tested Not Tested Not Tested
Mouse Norovirus (MNV) ES ES N N N
Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus spp. (non-group D) N N N N N
Helicobacter spp. N N N N T
Klebsiella pneumoniae N T N T T
Klebsiella oxytoca N T N T T
Rodentibacter pneumotropicus (Pasteurella pneumotropica) N N N N T
Pasteurella multocida N N N N N
Pneumocystis murina§ N Not Tested N Not Tested Not Tested
Pseudomonas aeruginosa N N N N N
Proteus mirabilis N N N T T
Staphylococcus aureus N N N N N
Streptococcus pneumoniae N N N N N
Nonpathogenic protozoa (e.g. trichomonads) N N N T T
Opportunistic protozoa (e.g. Giardia, Spironucleus) ES ES N N T
Yersinia enterocolitica N N Not Tested Not Tested Not Tested
Yersinia pseudotuberculosis N N Not Tested Not Tested Not Tested
Mycoplasma spp. ES ES Not Tested Not Tested Not Tested
Toxoplasma gondii ES ES Not Tested Not Tested Not Tested

All the organisms listed in Tables 1 and 2 are listed in The Jackson Laboratory's Animals Health Reports except as noted.

§ Pneumocystis murina is monitored only in severely immunodeficient mice, and only in rooms where severely immunodeficient mice are housed.

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