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JAX Frontend Platform

Scientific Research Services for JAX Faculty

Flow Cytometry

The Flow Cytometry Service performs a wide variety of analytical studies including immuno-phenotyping; mutant detection, screening, and characterization; detection of intracellular cytokines and molecules; enzyme and reporter gene detection; DNA analysis; and apoptosis studies. In addition, the Service provides sterile sorts of specific cell populations for in vivo and in vitro studies as well as for RNA extraction. At both sites we have five-laser 30-parameter FACSymphony A5 cytometers and FACSymphony S6 cell sorters from BD as well as other equipment to provide our Faculty with cutting edge technology for cell analysis. In Bar Harbor we have a large inventory of titrated antibodies for purchase by users and can also provide custom conjugated, titrated reagents for many applications, and we maintain and distribute the SV40 transformed cell line repository.

The Flow Cytometry Service is available on a fee-for-service basis to staff, visiting scientists, and researchers from neighboring institutions.

©2025 The Jackson Laboratory