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GRANTS - 2022

1. Title: Three-dimensional analysis of the intra and inter-tumor immune heterogeneity of human lung cancer.
PIs: Krishna Karuturi (JAX CC) and Kurt Schalper (Yale CC)
Funding Agency: JAX CC and Yale CC Pilot Award
Funding period: Apr'22-Mar23

2. Title: Computational methods for inferring cell-type specific chromatin-gene interactions.
CS staff: Olivier Poirion, Matthew Gerring, Brian White, Michael Lloyd, Jake Emerson, Joshy George
Funding Agency: JAX Scientific Services Innovation Fund Award
Funding period: Nov'22-Oct’23

3. Title: Integrating high-throughput histology with systems genetics through causal graphical models
PI: Matt Mahoney
Funding Agency: National Institute of General Medical Sciences
Funding period: Feb ’22 - Jan '26

4. Title: GeDI Phase IV CS staff: Dave Walton, Anna Lamoureux, Alex Berger, Belinda Cornes, Sejal Desai, Beena Kadakkuzha, Beth Sundberg
PI: Dan Gatti
Funding Agency: Directors Innovation Fund (DIF)
Funding period: Jan ’22 – May ‘23

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