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Oak Ridge Collection at JAX

For over half a century Oak Ridge National Laboratory generated and maintained a diverse collection of mouse stocks. A large part of this collection derived from induced mutagenesis programs using radiation or chemical mutagens. Many of these mutant stocks were cryopreserved at the Oak Ridge facility. In 2009 The Jackson Laboratory accepted and agreed to distribute the cryopreserved embryos and sperm in order that this resource would continue to be available to the worldwide research community.

The Jackson Laboratory cannot provide any guarantee that the attempted recovery of any frozen bankstock from this collection will be successful or that the anticipated phenotype or genotype will be obtained. We can commit only to trying to recover the specified bankstock. The $2,250.00 fee for this effort will not be refunded or prorated if the recovery is unsuccessful or is in any way unsatisfactory.

Although cryopreserved bankstocks from The Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) collection are distinct from the JAX® Mice collection, the sameconditions of use policy applies to these bankstocks.

For a list of all bankstocks in the Oak Ridge Collection search the International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR) for the repository "ORNL" (Oak Ridge Collection at JAX).

Please direct inquiries to [email protected]

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