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JAX Frontend Platform

Patient-Derived Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Models

A unique platform that accurately recapitulates leukemia phenotypes in vivo, the AML Patient-Derived Xenograft (PDX) models are designed to promote the optimal leukemia conditions.


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To better analyze the effectiveness of potential new drugs- alone or in combination- to treat Acute myeloid leukemia (AML), JAX offers AML Patient-Derived Xenograft (PDX) models with varying mutational profiles and treatment histories. These PDX models (Townsend et al.) have been engrafted in the highly immunodeficient NSG™-SGM3 (stock #013062), the mouse strain that most effectively engrafts human myeloid leukemia.

NSG™-SGM3 Mice: Engineered for Improved AML modeling

  • Robust engraftment of the primary AML samples in NSG™-SGM3 mice has been confirmed. This multi-allelic strain combines an immunodeficient environment with the expression of three transgenic human cytokines (SCF, GM-CSF, & IL-3) supportive of human myeloid cell expansion.
  • Client-sponsored efficacy studies can be executed by the JAX® In Vivo Pharmacology Service group.
  • Engrafted mice can be delivered to the client site.

Data. Faster.

PDX Live: Off-the-Shelf Low Passage Tumor Models

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