Everything you need to cryopreserve mouse strains yourself in one simple, easy to use kit backed by quality control (QC) testing and safe, long-term storage at JAX.
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Protect your research when it's convenient for you.
Sometimes it's easier to do things yourself. Using our Sperm Cryopreservation Kit you can enjoy the convenience of being able to cryopreserve strains whenever you need to without the hassle of having to ship animals. Not only is this option the least expensive way to cryopreserve your strains, it also allows you to:
- Protect your mouse strains against unforeseen loss
- Eliminate the cost, hassle and expense of shipping live animals
- Utilize your expertise and resources in cryopreserving your own strains
- Cryopreserve when it is convenient for you
- Quickly recover Specified and Opportunistic Pathogen Free (SOPF) mice
Each Sperm Cryo Kit Includes:
- All unique reagents, cryopreservation apparatus, and the plasticware you need to cryopreserve your strains
- Illustrated instruction manual
- Extra materials for a practice run
Additional Services:
- Quality control IVF to test fertilization rate
- Storage in our secure facility
- Recovery to establish colonies
- Distribution to collaborators
5 Strain Kit: $2,165.00
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